January 03, 2018
Incornea, an Ophthalmology Center in Bogota, Colombia, La...
Incornea is proud to announce the launch of its new mobile-friendly, English-language website. Founded in 1990, Incornea has implemented new digital marketing tools and technology on its website to reach a wider range of customers. A great...
Leer másDecember 11, 2017
XXXVII National and International Congress of the Colombi...
The XXXVII edition of the National and International Congress of the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology was held from August 23 to 27, 2016 at the Cartagena de Indias Convention Center. The congress was carried out through an academic program t...
Leer másDecember 11, 2017
VisuMax: The Latest Technology in Ophthalmology Arrives i...
Incornea, located in Bogota, is an innovative ophthalmology clinic. Currently, it is the first and only place where the patients can undergo surgeries with a state-of-the-art and sophisticated equipment called "VisuMax." This equipment works w...
Leer másDecember 11, 2017
A New Laser for Myopia and Astigmatism Surgery Arrives in...
VisuMax performs procedures with the highest precision, predictability and comfort. A new piece of equipment for ophthalmological procedures has arrived in Colombia in order to offer a fast and reliable solution to myopia and astigmatism. ...
Leer másDecember 11, 2017
Laser Eye Surgery as a Solution to Refractive Defects and...
Over the years, laser eye surgery has become the most recommended solution by ophthalmologists when they need to correct problems related to reduced vision. The most common conditions are myopia and astigmatism. The most recent report by the Wo...
Leer másDecember 11, 2017
Incornea Is Pleased to Announce Its New Acquisition: ...
In January, Incornea got the MEL 90 Excimer Laser, a state-of-the-art device for high-precision refractive surgery. The new acquisition responds to the need to continue updating the institution's technological resources to offer patients faste...
Leer másDecember 11, 2017
FDA Approves Use of Femtosecond Laser, VisuMax, for Myopi...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved today the use of the VisuMax femtosecond laser for small incision lenticular extraction, also known as SMILE. This procedure can reduce or eliminate myopia in patients who are at least 22 years ...
Leer másDecember 11, 2017
Dr. Alberto Chacon Goes on Media Tour to Advise Patients
As a part of his strategy to promote his services and the importance of eye health, Dr. Alberto Chacon, a renowned Colombian ophthalmologist who offers medical care in Bogotá, went on a media tour that included two notable interviews with two radi...
Leer másDecember 11, 2017
Dr. Alberto Chacon Talks about the Most Common Causes of ...
An interview at Incornea sought to talk to ophthalmology professionals about cataract problems that can affect people regardless of sex or age. On this occasion, Dr. Alberto Chacon, an ophthalmological surgeon and director of the institute, wa...
Leer másDecember 08, 2017
Dr. Alberto Chacon Aponte Speaks about New Technology in ...
Both adults and young people often suffer from visual problems associated with the deterioration of the cornea, which does not allow them to see well from near or far. Thanks to technological advances in Colombia, ophthalmologists in Bogota have b...
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